Kane County Health Department Monitoring Measles Outbreak in Cook County March 18, 2024 The Kane County Health Department is monitoring the measles outbreak in Cook County.
By Member Larry Trainor
March 28, 2024

Kane County Health Department Monitoring Measles Outbreak in Cook County
March 18, 2024
The Kane County Health Department is monitoring the measles outbreak in Cook County. While
there are currently no reported cases in Kane County, it is important to be aware of the symptoms
of measles and to protect yourself and your children with a safe and effective vaccine.
Measles is a highly contagious disease with serious possible complications including
hospitalization, long-term illness, and death. Measles infection causes a rash to appear, alongside a
high fever, coughing, runny nose, and pink eye. Airborne droplets can be present up to two hours
after an infected individual has left the room. If you are experiencing measles-like symptoms, to
avoid potential spread to others, call your healthcare provider immediately for instructions before
visiting a healthcare facility.
“Vaccines have always been one of the most effective public health interventions. The best thing
that someone can do to protect themselves and their loved ones is make sure they are up to date on
their vaccines,” said Michael Isaacson, KCHD Executive Director.
Most people are vaccinated against measles and therefore not at high risk, but those who are not
vaccinated should talk to their healthcare provider. If you are exposed to someone who has
measles and are not vaccinated, or if you are not sure of your vaccination status, you should stay
home and contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Immunization records recorded in
the Illinois immunization registry can be accessed using the Illinois Department of Public Health
Vax Verify portal.
Children and those aged 6 months and older should get a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to
help protect them from serious illness. Children under five years of age, adults over 20 years of
age, pregnant people, and people with immunocompromised health are most at risk of measles
complications. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine if you should receive the
If you have Medicaid, CHIP, VFC, or are uninsured, contact a Federally Qualified Health Center or
the Kane County Health Department at 630-208-3801.
Healthcare providers must immediately report to Kane County Health Department at earliest
clinical suspicion and at the point before testing is ordered; and immediately place the patient in
isolation. KCHD can be reached at 630-208-3801 (select option #4 for Communicable Disease).
For more information, visit: https://www.kanehealth.com/Pages/Measles.aspx